- Mar 8th – 9th, 2025
03/08/202503/09/2025South Carolina Arms Collector Shows (SCACA)More Information: https://gunshowtrader.com/gun-shows/charleston-gun-show/9850 Highway 78 Ladson, SC 29456South Carolina Arms Collectors Associationfalse
- Sep 20th – 21st, 2025
09/20/202509/21/2025South Carolina Arms Collector Shows (SCACA)More Information: https://gunshowtrader.com/gun-shows/charleston-gun-show/9850 Highway 78 Ladson, SC 29456South Carolina Arms Collectors Associationfalse
- Nov 22nd – 23rd, 2025
11/22/202511/23/2025South Carolina Arms Collector Shows (SCACA)More Information: https://gunshowtrader.com/gun-shows/charleston-gun-show/9850 Highway 78 Ladson, SC 29456South Carolina Arms Collectors Associationfalse
- Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
- Sunday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
General: $10.00
$8.00 with Military ID
12 years and under Free with Adult
No loaded firearms allowed in any show.
The South Carolina Arms Collector Shows (SCACA) will be held next on Mar 8th-9th, 2025 with additional shows on Sep 20th-21st, 2025, and Nov 22nd-23rd, 2025 in Ladson, SC. This Ladson gun show is held at Exchange Park Fairgrounds and hosted by South Carolina Arms Collectors Association. All federal and local firearm laws and ordinances must be obeyed.
320 Tables!
Tables $70.00/each
Dealer Setup:
Friday 10:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 7:00am - 9:00am
The last Ladson gun show was awesome. A large selection of firearms to include WW2 firearms, bayonets and equipment. Hope the one this weekend has the same type of USGI firearms available.
I am sure I am pretty spoiled from previously living in the Tulsa OK area and going to the wanenmacher show every year but the one here in ladson has historically been bad. It’s a small show and only about half the tables are actually firearm related and half those are mostly overpriced junk. I go to one a year or r so hoping things get better but so far so it is same thing different day.
There seems to be conflicting information about gun show(s) here in the Charleston area during that timeframe (Feb 20-21).
I am hearing of one at the coliseum, but the only information I can find online is about this one in Ladson.
Either way, hopefully at least one of them will be a “go”.
Anyone with verifiable information posting it would be appreciated. I’d certainly rather go to the coliseum than all the way out to Ladson. And I hope and pray (not in that order) that there are some deals to be had while our 2nd Amendment is still intact as we know it.
God bless America!
My wife and I went to this show last year. It wasn’t bad but from what my wife said it was nothing like it used to be as she was married to a gunsmith and attended them regularly. I really have to wonder if it will be worth the price of admission this year considering all the shortages we have been seeing in our local gun shops and dealers for the past 8 months.
I bought smokeless powder for $10 less per pound than what I can order on line. Purchased a Uberti .45 Colt 1873 new for $480 OTD. Traded for a KelTec Sub2000 Gen 2 and bought some reloading components. Great show and free parking. I suppose the police reserve officers that do security should be more pleased to be getting paid to be there than their sour attitude would suggest……only negative.
Great show the last two times!
First of all , I don’t see how anyone can give negative comments about a gun show, IT’ A GUN SHOW for pete’s sake ! The last one, I found some decent prices and bought an upper ,got alot of targets for some really good prices and I got some ammo at decent prices ! Also picked up a AR-15 quick loader at a great price. As far as running out of vendors real fast , that’s not true , there were plenty there, I don’t know where the negativity comes from , but my son and I had a really good time and bought some cool stuff !!!!!!!!!! I think anyone that goes will enjoy it !!!!!
I went a couple mths back and there was a big variety and some decent prices, I bought a gun a upper alot of ammo, if you find the right vendor, you can find some good prices on ammo and targets.
Its okayish.
You’ll find a lot of second hand equipment on sale for cheap but genuinely good deals on firearms and ammo are scarce. Found some great deals on reloading equipment.
There aren’t quite enough stalls either so you’ll run out of stuff to check out in about half an hour.
Huge disappointment, why did did I not learn from the last Mike Kent Gun Show
Make sure you have cash for the entry fee, they don’t take CC and the ATM has a $5 fee so no cash on hand to get in = $8+$5=$13
Too much “junk” Prices tend to be high, selection not good as it used to be. We’ve skipped the last several shows.