- Monday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
- Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
- Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
- Thursday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
- Friday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
- Saturday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
- Sunday: 8:00am - 5:30pm
About Scott's Valley Sportsman's Club
- Full Contact Information: Your full name, postal mailing address, email address, and your primary phone number.
- Sponsor: You must be sponsored by an Adult Member (not a probationary member) of the Club in good standing who vouches for your character, reputation and sportsmanship. Additionally, your sponsor must host you at the Club's shooting range at least once before you apply for membership. Your Sponsor’s name, SVSC membership number, email address, and the date of your range visit with your sponsor must be included on the application. If you don't know a member, come to one of our monthly meetings (see calendar) and introduce yourself. We're friendly! If you've lived in the area for a while, ask around...chances are you might know a member and don't realize it.
- Age Requirements: Your birth date. Applicants for Regular Membership must be at least 18 years of age. Youth Membership applicants must be at least seven (7) years of age. While there is NO COST annually for Youth Membership, there are two one-time fees: the standard $50 application fee , and a second $50 fee due at Range Safety Orientation.
- Your Gender: Please tell us your gender. This doesn't affect your membership. It's only for statistical purposes.
- NRA Membership: NRA Membership Number and Expiration Date. You must supply proof of current National Rifle Association (NRA) membership in the form of your NRA magazine label, membership card or membership receipt. The proof of NRA membership must include the member's name, NRA membership number and expiration date. You can email a jpg image of your NRA credentials to [email protected].
- Color Photo of Yourself: You must supply a color photo of yourself. Please send a typical frontal passport type picture. Please upload this picture as a jpg image file when prompted. Please DO NOT send us a picture of your driver's license.
- Emergency Contact & Contact Information: Who do we call if you have a medical problem at the range?
- Pledge and Rules: You must subscribe in writing to the pledge and rules listed on the application. No applicant shall be deemed to be a Member of the Club until they have indicated their agreement on the form below.
- Acknowledgement & Waiting List: After your application has been received, processed and approved by the Club, you will be contacted to acknowledge your application and listed as a Member Applicant. Typically there is a waiting list of several months, and you will be placed on the waiting list. While you are on the waiting list you can complete preliminary requirements. When you have completed the preliminary requirements and come to the top of the waiting list you will be scheduled for a mandatory New Member Range Safety Orientation.
- Safety Test, Background Check & Interview: You must complete an Online Firearms Safety and Range Standard Operating Procedure Test with a score of 100% to move forward, pass a background check for any criminal history, and sit for an interview with a representative of our membership committee. The membership committee will contact you about scheduling these items after we receiver your online application.
- Range Safety Orientation: The Applicant must attend the Range Safety Orientation. Sponsors may attend with their sponsored applicant but the Sponsor's attendance is not required. After you complete the Range Safety Orientation and pay your first year dues and initiation fee, you will become a Probationary Member, receive a temporary ID card and range gate key card, and can start using the range facilities.
- Dues and Fees: Effective with applications received on or after January 1, 2022 you will be billed for a $50 application fee, which covers our cost of processing your background check and application. Your application will not proceed until we have received payment for the application fee. When you attend your range safety orientation you will be charged a $50 initiation fee and pro-rated dues for the rest of the current year. If you complete the range safety orientation in October, November or December you will also be charged dues for the following year. Annual dues are $125 and there is a $100/annual fee for members who do not perform club service each year (see below). DO NOT SEND MONEY TO THE CLUB BEFORE YOU YOU HAVE RECEIVE AN INVOICE FROM US. Ongoing members will be billed for annual dues on December 1st of each year and payment is due January 1st of each year.
- Probation Requirements: To complete Probation, you are required to attend any combination of three (3) monthly Club meetings, Work Parties, or Club sponsored shooting or training events within nine (9) months following your Range Safety Orientation, by signing into the event as a Probationary member. Meetings attended prior to your Range Safety Orientation do not count towards this requirement. Attendance at a Club Service Activity while a Probationary Member may count as either a Probation Requirement or a Club Service Obligation event, but not both. After attending the required meetings & / or Club sponsored events, you are eligible to receive your Welcome Letter and Club Membership Card at the next Club meeting. If you fail to complete your Probation requirements within nine (9) months, your Probationary Membership and range access privileges will be revoked.
- Club Meetings: In-Person Club Meetings have been put on hold for the duration of the Covid Restrictions in Santa Cruz County. We have been holding on-line meetings during this difficult time. Normally Club meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of every other month, except December, at 7:30 pm at the Sundean Hall, 1032 Cayuga Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95062. Regular members are encouraged but not required to attend monthly meetings.
- Club Service Obligation: All Club members, except Youth and those exempt for age (65 or older) or disability, are expected to attend at least one (1) Club Service (work party) activity during the year or pay a $100 Club Service Obligation fee. Range Maintenance days (work parties) are held on the 4th Saturday of each month from April through October at 9 am at the range. Other club service may count also, such as assisting with club clerical chores or volunteering for approved community events. Please see the newsletter and Club website for Meeting, Work Party, and Event schedules.
I subscribe to the following pledge:
General Safety Rules: