Centre, Alabama
It’s advisable to call ahead or visit their website for the most accurate hours of operation, as they may vary based on season or other factors.
All about BJ's Gun Shop and Indoor Pistol Range
BJ’s Gun Shop and Indoor Pistol Range is a well-known firearms retailer and shooting range in Montgomery. They offer a variety of services and products, including:
- Retail firearms: They have a selection of guns for sale, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns.
- Ammunition & Accessories: Ammunition, scopes, holsters, and other gun-related accessories are available.
- Indoor pistol range: The range offers lanes for handgun practice in a controlled environment.
Range Features:
- Indoor range: Suitable for handguns and some smaller caliber rifles.
- Safety precautions: Strict safety rules are in place, and eye and ear protection are required.
- Range fees: Typically, there is an hourly rate for range use, but specific pricing may vary.
- Memberships: Some ranges offer membership plans for regular shooters, though you’ll need to inquire directly about options.
- Firearm training: Depending on availability, BJ's might offer firearms safety and shooting courses.
- Gunsmithing services: They may have gunsmithing services for firearm repairs, maintenance, and custom modifications.