- Idaho
- Montana
- Washington
- Firearm Accessories
- Manufacturer
Nickel Boron Stripped Bolt Carriers
Nickel Boron Bolt Carriers with gas keys
Completely Assembled BCG's
Flash Hiders
Bushmaster Barrels
Titanium Firing Pins
Stripped Mag or Nickle Bolts
Rocky Mountain Defense
![Rocky Mountain Defense](/media/Rocky-Mountain-Defense-100x75.jpg)
We are a family owned shop and website situated in Deer Lodge, Mt. We specialize in upper receiver parts currently but will continue to grow our product line as we are able. Our best seller both retail and wholesale is our bolt carriers plated by WMD in NIB-X coating. We keep our overhead low and pass the savings on to our buyers. Our base price to dealers for 10 or more carriers is $28.00 each. We are working hard to develop a reputation for affordable quality in AR gun parts.