- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Texas
- Miscellaneous
- Survival Gear
Top Products
LED Flashlights
LED Headlamps
Rechargeable batteries
Dive Lights
We sell LED flashlights, headlamps, and related accessories. We are based in Kansas City, MO and have done shows in MO, KS, OK, and AR. We are considering venturing out further for good shows.
OFB Tactical is a gun show vendor. Requested traveling distance is to Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas. Main products include Miscellaneous and Survival Gear. All gun show promoters should contact OFB Tactical with table prices and information.Contact