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Using nanotechnology that outperforms simple oils and PTFE (Teflon), NANOPROTECH © displaces 100% of moisture within seconds and forms a durable 2-3 micron nano coating that is invisible and flexible.
Provides a powerful protection for at least one year and significantly prolongs the life of gun parts and mechanisms. Use for thousands of firing cycles.
Stops rust
Removes soot
Prevents friction
100% moisture displacement
Protects gun mechanisms from freezing at low temperatures (As low as -112° F)
Significantly prolongs the life of gun metal parts
Prevents oxidation
Uses: op rod, barrel hood, cam pin, open ejection port, slide rail groove, center rail, action spring
Instructions: Apply NANOPROTECH © to all gun mechanisms. It is recommended to apply at temperature ranges of – 4°F to +95°F.
NANOPROTECH © maintains properties in temperature conditions ranging from – 112°F to +320°F.