- Oregon
- Knives
- Miscellaneous
- Survival Gear
Specialist .5 Day Pack
Specialist 1 Day Pack
Specialist 3 Day Pack
Tactix .5 Day Pack
Tactix 1 Day Pack
Tactix 3 Day Pack
Rifle Sleeve 36"
Rifle Sleeve 40"
Rifle Sleeve 52"
Modern Spartan Systems Gun Cleaning Starter Kit
First Tactical
Modern Spartan Systems
I am an independent sales representative for two lines of products. I primarily represent First Tactical, which was started in July 2015 by the former owner and founder of 5.11. First Tactical designs, manufactures and sells its own line of public safety oriented clothing, boots, packs, etc. I also represent Modern Spartan Systems who's gun cleaning products increase accuracy, optimize reliability and reduce cleaning time up to 75%.