- Georgia
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Virginia
- Firearm Accessories
- Knives
- Self-Defense
Top Products
Stun Guns
Pepper Spray
Concealed Carry Gun Purses
Expandable Batons
Top Brands
Safety Technology
Montana West
Gun Toten' Mamas
John & Wendy are retired / former law enforcement officers with a passion for empowering people to protect themselves. In addition to selling a comprehensive line of non lethal self defense weapons, as well as concealed carry gun purses, they also present personal protection seminars.
Best Line Defense is a gun show vendor. Requested traveling distance is to Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Main products include Firearm Accessories, Knives and Self-Defense. All gun show promoters should contact Best Line Defense with table prices and information.Contact